Mid August 2024 -
July 23rd 5pm-7pm - click for details
A few final lane restrictions on Epworth will be in place until opening to 1) pour curb islands and 2) Mill and Pave Epworth Road
Better Epworth Access
INDOT project
Use the links above to learn more
QUICK HITS: INTERSECTION to OPEN the second half of August
Learn more at the July 23rd Public Meeting: 5pm-7pm at Evansville Christian School

INDOT's construction on SR 66 and Epworth will be completed in Mid August. While new to Indiana. these intersections have been proven to increase traffic flow and safety. Epworth will be the first of four displaced left intersections (DLT) coming to the Lloyd Expressway
What is a Displaced Left Turn Intersection?
A Displaced Left Intersection (DLT) is made up of one main intersection and two left-turn crossovers. In advance of the main intersection, left-turn vehicles use the crossover lanes to cross to the other side of the road, which allows left turns and opposing through movements to move simultaneously through the main intersection.​​​
How will this Displaced Left work at Epworth?
Most intersections motions stay exactly the same:
If traveling on SR 66,
You will continue STRAIGHT on SR66 or TURN RIGHT onto Epworth at the main intersection as you currently do.
If on Epworth and approaching SR66
You will continue STRAIGHT, TURN LEFT, or TURN RIGHT at the intersection as you currently do. Nothing Changes
Turning Left onto Epworth is what changes
IF you are TURNING LEFT onto EPWORTH from SR66,
you will “crossover” at a new protected signal before the main intersection. This is “displaced” left concept. With left turn traffic already “crossed over” – Straight and left turn lanes can now all move at the same time under a simple green light at Epworth. The main intersection and crossover signals are synced together to move more traffic and reduce wait times.
Other Epworth Intersection Improvements that will improve travel
Northbound on Epworth
1) A second through lane has been added since there are 2 receiving lanes across the intersection
2) A right turn “slip” lane to get right turn traffic away from the intersection and removing back up.
Southbound on Epworth
3) A second left turn lane to avoid back up and move more turns through the light
4) A right turn “slip” lane to get right turn traffic away from the intersection and removing back up.
5) A brand-new lane south to the first Deaconess entrance which will help clear up traffic at that signal.
On State Road 66
6 & 7) East bound and Westbound now have double left turn lanes in each direction instead of a single left turn lane.
Why the Displaced Left Turn Intersection?
The reason for this pattern is to improve safety, mobility, and efficiency at the intersection
DLTs reduce and spread out the number of points where vehicles cross paths, which decreases the potential for crashes.
At a DLT, left turns and opposing through movements can move at the same time through the main intersection. This means a DLT operates with fewer traffic signal phases and less delay.
At a DLT, the main intersection and crossover traffic signals are synchronized which allows through traffic to spend less time stopped and improves corridor travel times.
This is new to the state of Indiana and to our region, it will take some time and practice getting used to for our community. Always practice caution and distraction free driving to ensure the safety of yourselves and others! Signage and pavement markings will help guide the way.
