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Steve Roelle


JBI (contractor) anticipates switching to Phase 2 Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) starting November 13th. It will take a day or two to complete the switch. Details and Detour information can be found below.

The biggest change is that there will be NO LEFT TURNS ONTO EPWORTH ROAD FROM STATE ROAD 66

PLEASE BE ALERT, PAY ATTENTION, and FACTOR IN EXTRA TIME A summary of the Phase 2 MOT is shown below

  • SR 66/I-69 Interchange Ramps – all ramps will remain open

  • SR 66 WB – restricted to (2) 10’ wide thru lanes beginning just west of Grimm Road to just east of the I-69 interchange with (1) of these thru lanes also being a shared right turn lane onto Epworth Road NB; there will be no left turns allowed onto Epworth Road SB except for emergency vehicles, with no dedicated left turn lane provided

  • SR 66 EB – restricted to (2) 10’ wide thru lanes beginning just east of the I-69 interchange through the Epworth Road intersection and (1) additional dedicated right turn lane onto Epworth Road SB; there will be no left turns allowed onto Epworth Road NB except for emergency vehicles, with no dedicated left turn lane provided

  • Epworth Road SB – no lane restrictions; open lanes will include (2) thru lanes with (1) of these thru lanes also being a shared right turn lane onto SR 66 WB and (1) additional dedicated left turn lane onto SR 66 EB

  • Epworth Road NB – no lane restrictions; open lanes will include (1) thru lane, (1) dedicated right turn lane onto SR 66 EB, and (2) dedicated left turn lanes onto SR 66 WB

  • Venetian Waywill be re-opened as right-turn-in, left-turn-in, and right-turn-out (no left-turn-out) in its permanent configuration


Westbound SR66 to Southbound Epworth

Eastbound Lloyd to Northbound Epworth

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